PR Wall Planner 2023

PR Wall Planner 2023

Sale Price:£9.99 Original Price:£15.99

Want to get organised and visible at the same time?

Now is your chance with NJRPR’s first ever PR Wall Planner for 2023.

Ensuring you never miss a key awareness day, month or week again, it’s been created with you, as a business owner in mind.

Use it to make notes, plan your weeks, months or whole year ahead, and know when you need to prioritise those all-important PR pitches.

Featuring all the colours of the rainbow and #prdog himself, this A1 wall planner is essential for you as an entrepreneur.

Costing just: £15.99 + p&p – it will help you stay on top of your content creation plans and help you focus on 2023 being your best year yet.

NB* This product is on pre-order and will be despatched in 7-10 days as of 24/11/2022

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Our new 2023 PR Wall Planner will help you get visible and plan your content