Thank you for signing up for one of NJRPR’s Workshops to learn how you can harness the power of PR.
We’re really looking forward to working with you!
Please read the following Terms and Conditions so you’re fully happy with everything and how we will work together
We will work together with a commitment of the below:
A 3-hour PR Workshop held in Central London hosted by Nicola J Rowley & a respected Journalist
On the day a printed workbook will be made available to you for the workshop
Facebook Group
You will be added to a Facebook Group before the Workshop so that you have access to others going along on the same day as you. I will be there to say hello and answer any questions in the run up to and for 48 hours afterwards.
If you have secured your space before Friday 10th May 2019 and therefore have qualified for the 1:1 45-minute PR Strategy Session with Nicola, this will need to be booked in and taken by no later than 30th June 2019 at the latest. Outside of the Workshop any questions/contact should be in the Facebook group.
I will bring myself free from distractions to the Workshop and if you have qualified for the FREE 45 minute 1:1 PR Strategy Session, will always do my best to accommodate times that suit you. I respectfully ask that you also bring yourself to the session free from any distractions.
Payment will be made at a one off cost of £297.
The Workshop payments are non-refundable. If you’re unable to attend, we’re happy for you to find someone to replace you as long as they are also a female entrepreneur with their own business and are genuinely interested in gaining PR.
I will always have your best interests at heart but there are never any guarantees with PR. Your success following this Workshop is dependent on the effort that you put in, so no guarantees are being made.
You recognise that in the course of our time together you may divulge goals, future plans, business affairs and personal and private information. I will not at any time, either directly or indirectly, voluntarily use any such information for my own benefit or disclose it to a third party.
All materials provided are for your use only. If found to be in breach of this requirement by misuse of the content, legal remedy will be taken.
I have read and agree to the points above and will honour them whilst working with NJRPR. I am committed to giving this my all.